Pemikiran hari ini tentang Perubahan
BY, Romo Ro Wl Ma.
(Postingan ini saya tulis di Wall Facebook beberapa waktu lalu dan mendapat tanggapan serius dari beberapa sahabat pemerhati kebudayaan, saya pindahkan ke Blog ini)
(Postingan ini saya tulis di Wall Facebook beberapa waktu lalu dan mendapat tanggapan serius dari beberapa sahabat pemerhati kebudayaan, saya pindahkan ke Blog ini)
Dalam suatu diskusi kecil di pondok sederhana saya kemaren malam, seorang teman bilang begini : Romo, Tehnologi mengubah norma (nilai) relasi antar manusia pada ruang di mana semuanya terkoneksi secara bersamaan. Dan itu berarti makna hidup tak seperti sebelumnya. Apakah ini tidak menggelisahkan Romo sebagai rohaniawan (padahal saya lebih suka di sebut sok pemerhati kebudayaan hehehehhehe..)
Tesis berupa pertanyaan itu, membuat saya berfikir keras (padahal sekeras apa pun saya berfikir toh dunia sedang bareng-bareng nyemplung kesana) termasuk beberapa rekan yang hadir.
Pagi ini sesudah melahap Getuk Lindri yang di sajikan si buah hatiku lalu membuka resume diskusi kemaren. Saya gelisah membaca beberapa kesimpulan itu, dan saya juga ingin membuat anda turut merasakan kegelisahan itu. Ini kesimpulan pertama :
- Relasi (norma-nilai) tradisionil menjadi usang tetapi pada sisi yang lain semakin kuat.
Dari kesimpulan pertama di atas, saya berandai-andai betapa runyamnya bila, relasi antar manusia, tentu juga antar anggota keluarga. Bukan lagi runtut pada nilai atau norma tradisional itu. Hubungan antar sesama berlaku karena kebutuhan (keperluan), bukan lagi karena seseorang itu, patut mendapat kehormatan, patut di sapa - di tegur, atau karena relasi kekeluargaan, relasi se-RT, relasi sekampung, relasi sedaerah, relasi seAgama (seIman) dan relasi-relasi yang merupakan tradisi keIndonesiaan.
Menurut anda apa yang akan terjadi dalam konteks seperti ini? Sepi atau sunyi bukan? sebagai contoh kecil, misalnya : perhatikan komunikasi antar individu di sekitar anda. Relasi anak dan orang tua, kakak dan adek? Adakah kemesraan di sana? Antar Guru dan murid, pemimpin dan staf, antar warga kampung, dst. Bahkan ajaran-ajaran Agama yang selama ini jadi norma atau nilai bersama, mulai di kurung di ruang tertentu sampai pada gugatan pada pengajaran Agama. Baik atas nama Tuhan itu sendiri pun atas nama keadilan, transparansi, kemanusia dan tentu saja yang paling mudah atas nama HAM (dalam perspektif ini, mucul istilah LGBT yang kontroversial itu, dst).
Itu pada halaman depan, bagaimana di halaman belakang?
Sebaliknya dapat terjadi penguatan norma atau nilai, yang ujung-ujungnya jadi sekterian, eksklusif tanpa ada pintu terbuka. Pada dinding ini, relasi dan komunikasi hanya akan terjadi antara anggota, di luar itu di anggap pelanggaran dengan konsekwensinya. Nilai yang berlaku biasanya atas dasar pemikiran seseorang yang ditahbiskan jadi kultus komunitas itu. Yang ini, bisa karena dasar agama, norma atau nilai ekonomi, tradisi, dst.
Kesimpulan berikut :
- Relasional manusia bukan lagi pada kemanusian, tetapi pada kebutuhan dan tujuan yang sama, akibat dari itu akan berkembang Komunitas-komunitas dalam bentuk lintas : Negara, Agama, Bahasa, Suku dan status sosial.
Pada bagian ini, pikiran saya melayang pada temuan dan penemuan sebagai akibat progresifitas Ilmu dan Tehnologi. Tulisan yang beberapa menit lalu ini, sekarang sedang anda baca dan menyatu dalam pikiran saya, tak soal anda menolak atau justru ingin menajamkan pemikiran di dalamnya, bukankah ini oleh karena Ilmu dan tehnologi yang melaju lebih cepat dari beberapa bagian di dunia ini?.
Sejak masa meletusnya gerakan renaissance di perancis di ikuti revolusi Industri Inggris pada rentang waktu Abad 14 sampai akhir abad 18 lalu, terjadi sebaran demografi di semua Benua, akibat urban antar penduduk dunia.
catatan saya soal ini : Penyebaran peduduk ini tidak di ikuti oleh penyebaran kesejahteraan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Tehnologi. Contoh kongkrit : anda dan saya saat ini hanya sebagai konsumen (pemakai) perkembangan itu mungkin juga anda termasuk yang menerima sebaran kesejahteraan itu.
Buah Pengetahuan dan tehnologi yang sangat mengubah tampilan dunia ialah Tehnologi Komunikasi, yang tidak hanya memberi kemudahan pemakainya, tetapi juga ikut andil mencipta budaya baru dalam sejarah manusia. Neil Postman berpendapat dalam bukunya : Technopoly : Barang baru melahirkan kata baru dan kata baru mengubah makna hidup tidak lagi seperti yang sebelumnya. Kota kata seperti : Gawai, Hape, Daring, Surel, Selfie, Digital, dst. Adalah beberapa kosa kata dari ribuan yang mau tidak mau jadi bagian hidup manusia, kalau tidak, anak-anak muda secara satir mengolok dengan ucapan : Hareeee geneeeeee.........
Perwujudan nyata dari Kesimpulan yang kedua ini terlihat pada ISIS yang secara transnasional menarik banyak orang untuk bergabung atau KKK (Kluk kluks Klan) di USA yang eksistensi keberadaanya dari abad 18 sampai sekarang dan menyebar kebeberapa negara di Eropa, atau Romanisti, yaitu para penggemar atau Seporter Klub Roma, yang ada hampir diseluruh negara, para suporter ini merasa saling memilki meski mereka tidak pernah bertemu langsung. Demikian juga dalam berkesenian, seperti pecinta seni puisi tradisionil Jepang, Haiku misalnya. Jazz Club atau Rolling Stone organitation, dua kelompok Genre musik diantara ratusan club-club musik di seantaro dunia. Atau Lion Club, organisasi sosial yang tak mampu di batasi hanya oleh ke warganegaraan. Dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.
Bukankah beberapa organisasi tersebut di atas merupakan gerakan lintas benua?
Atas semua itu, saya mau bilang :
1. Bersediakan atau Mampukah kita mendefinisikan ulang Kebudayaan Indonesia? Pertanyaan ini untuk para Budayawan
2. Bersediakan atau mampukah kita menafsirkan kembali Ajaran Agama? Pertanyaan ini untuk para Teolog dan Rohaniawan.
(This post I wrote in the Wall up some time ago and got serious response from some companions cultural observer, I moved to this Blog)
In a small discussion in my humble cottage yesterday evening, a friend told me this: Romo, Technology changing norms (values) human relations at the space where everything is connected simultaneously. And it means that the meaning of life is not like before. Does this not disturbing Romo as clergy (though I prefer is called quasi observer culture hehehhehe ..)
Thesis in the form of the question, made me think hard (when no matter how hard I think after all the world is together nyemplung there) included several colleagues were present.
This morning after devouring Getuk Lindri that at present the fruit of my heart and opened resume discussions yesterday. I am anxious to read some of the conclusions, and I also want to make you also feel the anxiety. This is the first conclusion:
- Relationships (norm-value) of the traditional become obsolete but on the other hand is getting stronger.
The first conclusion from the above, I suppose how runyamnya when, human relations, of course also between family members. Not more coherently on the traditional norms or values. Relationship between the force of necessity (purpose), not because someone is, worthy of honor, worthy of greetings - in scolds, or because of the relationship of family, relationships se-RT, relationships compatriot, relationships to be covered, relations religionists (faith) and relationships -relasi which is a tradition keindonesiaan.
What do you think would happen in a context like this? Lonely or not lonely? as a small sample, for example: note the communication between people around you. Relationships of children and their parents, brothers and Adek? Is there romance in there? Inter Teachers and students, leaders and staff, among villagers, and so on. Even the religious teachings which have been the norm or set of shared values, ranging in brackets in a particular room until the lawsuit on the teaching of religion. Neither the name of God itself was the name of fairness, transparency, to the human and certainly the easiest in the name of human rights (in this perspective, the term LGBT appear controversial, etc.).
It was on the front page, how in the backyard?
Conversely possible strengthening of norms or values, which ends so sectarian, exclusive with no door open. On this wall, relationship and communication will only occur between members, outside it is considered a violation to the consequences. Prevailing values are usually based on the thoughts of someone who is ordained so that community cult. That this could be because the basis of religion, norms or economic values, traditions, and so on.
The following conclusions:
- Hyman relational is no longer in humanity, but on the needs and goals are the same, it will evolve as a result of the communities in the form of a cross: the State, religion, language, tribe and social status.
In this section, in my mind drifted to the findings and discoveries as a result of the progression of Science and Technology. Writing a few minutes ago, is now being read and fused in my mind, no matter you refuse or just want to sharpen thinking in it, is not this because science and technology is go faster than some parts of the world ?.
Since the time of the eruption of the renaissance movement in France follow the British Industrial Revolution in 14th-century time span until the end of the 18th century, there was a demographic distribution in all the continent, due to inter-urban population of the world.
my notes about this: peduduk Deployment is not followed by the deployment of well-being and Science and Technology. Concrete example: you and I are current only as consumers (users) that development may also receive you include the distribution of welfare.
Fruit of Knowledge and technology are profoundly changing the world by see Communication Technology, which not only provide convenience of the wearer, but also contribute to creating a new culture in human history. Neil Postman argues in his book: Technopoly: new product spawned new words and new words to change the meaning of life is no longer as before. Cities like: Gawai, Hape, Online, E-mail, Selfie, Digital, and so on. Are some of the vocabulary of thousands who would not want to be part of human life, if not, young people are satirical poke with the words: Hareeee geneeeeee .........
Real embodiment of the conclusion of this second look at ISIS that is transnational attract more people to join or KKK (Kluk kluks Klan) in the USA which is the existence of its existence from the 18th century to the present and spread to several countries in Europe, or Romanisti, namely the fans or Seporter club of Rome, which exist in nearly all countries, the fans have the feel each other even though they never met in person. Likewise in the art, such as art lovers of traditional Japanese poetry, haiku for example. Jazz Club or Rolling Stone Organitation, two groups of musical genre among the hundreds of club music in seantaro world. Or Lion Club, a social organization that is unable to be limited only by to citizenship. And many others.
Are not some of the organizations mentioned above is a movement across the continent?
Above all, I want to say:
1. Bersediakan or Can we redefine Culture of Indonesia? This question is for the Budayawan
2. Bersediakan or could we reinterpret religious teachings? This question to the theologian and The priest.
Thinking today about changes
BY Romo Wl Ro Ma.
In a small discussion in my humble cottage yesterday evening, a friend told me this: Romo, Technology changing norms (values) human relations at the space where everything is connected simultaneously. And it means that the meaning of life is not like before. Does this not disturbing Romo as clergy (though I prefer is called quasi observer culture hehehhehe ..)
Thesis in the form of the question, made me think hard (when no matter how hard I think after all the world is together nyemplung there) included several colleagues were present.
This morning after devouring Getuk Lindri that at present the fruit of my heart and opened resume discussions yesterday. I am anxious to read some of the conclusions, and I also want to make you also feel the anxiety. This is the first conclusion:
- Relationships (norm-value) of the traditional become obsolete but on the other hand is getting stronger.
The first conclusion from the above, I suppose how runyamnya when, human relations, of course also between family members. Not more coherently on the traditional norms or values. Relationship between the force of necessity (purpose), not because someone is, worthy of honor, worthy of greetings - in scolds, or because of the relationship of family, relationships se-RT, relationships compatriot, relationships to be covered, relations religionists (faith) and relationships -relasi which is a tradition keindonesiaan.
What do you think would happen in a context like this? Lonely or not lonely? as a small sample, for example: note the communication between people around you. Relationships of children and their parents, brothers and Adek? Is there romance in there? Inter Teachers and students, leaders and staff, among villagers, and so on. Even the religious teachings which have been the norm or set of shared values, ranging in brackets in a particular room until the lawsuit on the teaching of religion. Neither the name of God itself was the name of fairness, transparency, to the human and certainly the easiest in the name of human rights (in this perspective, the term LGBT appear controversial, etc.).
It was on the front page, how in the backyard?
Conversely possible strengthening of norms or values, which ends so sectarian, exclusive with no door open. On this wall, relationship and communication will only occur between members, outside it is considered a violation to the consequences. Prevailing values are usually based on the thoughts of someone who is ordained so that community cult. That this could be because the basis of religion, norms or economic values, traditions, and so on.
The following conclusions:
- Hyman relational is no longer in humanity, but on the needs and goals are the same, it will evolve as a result of the communities in the form of a cross: the State, religion, language, tribe and social status.
In this section, in my mind drifted to the findings and discoveries as a result of the progression of Science and Technology. Writing a few minutes ago, is now being read and fused in my mind, no matter you refuse or just want to sharpen thinking in it, is not this because science and technology is go faster than some parts of the world ?.
Since the time of the eruption of the renaissance movement in France follow the British Industrial Revolution in 14th-century time span until the end of the 18th century, there was a demographic distribution in all the continent, due to inter-urban population of the world.
my notes about this: peduduk Deployment is not followed by the deployment of well-being and Science and Technology. Concrete example: you and I are current only as consumers (users) that development may also receive you include the distribution of welfare.
Fruit of Knowledge and technology are profoundly changing the world by see Communication Technology, which not only provide convenience of the wearer, but also contribute to creating a new culture in human history. Neil Postman argues in his book: Technopoly: new product spawned new words and new words to change the meaning of life is no longer as before. Cities like: Gawai, Hape, Online, E-mail, Selfie, Digital, and so on. Are some of the vocabulary of thousands who would not want to be part of human life, if not, young people are satirical poke with the words: Hareeee geneeeeee .........
Real embodiment of the conclusion of this second look at ISIS that is transnational attract more people to join or KKK (Kluk kluks Klan) in the USA which is the existence of its existence from the 18th century to the present and spread to several countries in Europe, or Romanisti, namely the fans or Seporter club of Rome, which exist in nearly all countries, the fans have the feel each other even though they never met in person. Likewise in the art, such as art lovers of traditional Japanese poetry, haiku for example. Jazz Club or Rolling Stone Organitation, two groups of musical genre among the hundreds of club music in seantaro world. Or Lion Club, a social organization that is unable to be limited only by to citizenship. And many others.
Are not some of the organizations mentioned above is a movement across the continent?
Above all, I want to say:
1. Bersediakan or Can we redefine Culture of Indonesia? This question is for the Budayawan
2. Bersediakan or could we reinterpret religious teachings? This question to the theologian and The priest.
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