
Negeri Pecundang

Negeri Kecoak
By,Romo RWM.
Di negeri para Koruptor dan kaum cecunguk, pahlawan adalah cerita kebaikan tak perduli apa maksud, apa tujuan, apa motivasi berbuat itu. Maka syahdan di negri para kotuptor dan kaum cecenguk, orang berlomba lomba berbuat baik, berkompetisi mempertontonkan keluhuran, riuh berretorika, semangat menafsir nafsir ayat ayat suci. Lantaran itu, di negeri kaum koruptor dan kaum cecenguk, cinta ada dimana mana. Di setiap sudut, di bilik bilik, di ruang ruang, di kantor kantor birokrat, kantor aparat bersenjata, kantor budayawan, di pertapaan pertapaan penjaga moral. Semua berkisah dan berlaku cinta. Jangan coba bertanya terlebih menggugat. Sebab mereka memiliki banteng banteng ketaton, prajurit prajurit perkasa siap mati. Persis seperti pepatah Yunani kuno, banyak yang rela mati untuk orang baik tapi tak satupun bersedia untuk orang benar.
Mereka menjual dan mencipta pahlawan pahlawan tak perduli si bangsat, wani piro?
Di negeri para koruptor dan kaum cecunguk, tuhan hanya tukang sulap yang dalam sekejab mengubah sikurus bertambun ria, si pejalan kaki berroda ria, beristana ria, semua serba ria. Tuhan mereka pesta ria, ritual meriah ria, bersesakan penuhi rumah ibadat hingga tumpah ria. Itulah amal ibadah, gelembung pundi pundi menyulap rumah rumah doa cerlang gemerlang, megah kokoh. Di antara kasur dinding atap kardus kumuh menghitam jelaga persis para koruptor dan cecenguk itu.
Maka berkeriapan siang malam para pahlawan di mana saja memelihara si papa tetap miskin si derita dalam sengsara si bodoh mudah di perintah. Berlaku gagah diantara gubuk liar, bertingkah dermawan di tengah nasib buntung. Maka malang malang tuntas rawe rawe rantas rame rame buntung mereka di bela banteng banteng kataton, prajurit handal siap mati demi pahlawan.
Di negeri para koruptor dan kaum cecunguk, tuhan berdansa dansi, berjogetria sambil meneguk anggur memerahkan muka mabuk kepayang bertelanjang bulat seperti Adam dan Hawa. Tak jelas antara rumah bordil dan rumah doa, tak ketahuan rumah sekolahan dan pub, tak nampak kantor dan rumah judi. Tak kentara rohaniawan dan perompak, semua sama, Semua halal, semua kudus semua dapat di beli. Wani piro?
Tepian Mahakam, Medio November'15.

In English.

                                                                 State Cockroaches
By, Romo RoWiMa.

In the land of the Corruptor and the snot, the hero is a story of kindness no matter what the purpose, what is the purpose, what motivation do it. So it is said in the land of the kotuptor and the cecenguk, do good people watching the race, competing show nobility, boisterous berretorika, nafsir interpret the spirit of the holy verses. Because of that, in the land of the corrupt and the 'cecenguk' (coward), love is everywhere. In every corner, in the booth cubicle, in the room, in the office of a bureaucrat's office, the office of the armed forces, cultural offices, in the hermitage hermitage moral guardians. All the story and love prevail. Do not try to ask first sued. Because they have a bull bison get injured, mighty warrior soldier ready to die. Just like the ancient Greek proverb, many are willing to die for a good man but none were willing to vote correctly.
They sell and create heroes do not care about that bastard, wani Piro? (How much do you dare to pay?)
In the land of the corrupt and the snot, god only magician instantly transform skinny fat like a pig, the pedestrian-wheeler, build castles, everything is instant. God they are a party, festive ritual, 'claustrophobic' fill up spilled ria synagogue. That act of worship, bubble coffers coffers conjure luminous prayer houses and whistles, magnificently sturdy. Among mattress grungy cardboard roof wall blackened soot exactly the corrupt and cecenguk (coward) it.
Day and night then swarm of heroes anywhere maintains poverty remain poor the suffering in miserable fools easily in command. Applicable dashing between illegal huts, behaving generous in the middle stump fate. Then the poor unfortunate Rawe Rawe completed rantas rame rame stump them in martial bull bull kataton, reliable soldier ready to die for a hero.
In the land of the corrupt and the snot, dancing god Dansi, berjogetria face redden as he sipped wine intoxicated naked like Adam and Eve. It was unclear between brothels and houses of prayer, unnoticed home school and pub, invisible offices and gambling houses. Imperceptibly clergy and pirates, all the same, all kosher, all saints all can be purchased. How much can you pay me?

Margins Mahakam, Medio November'15.

Palu hakim.

Hanya bunyi.